July 24, 2008

A Child Like Joy

Everybody has a Child Like actions within. Oftentimes, we ignore the signs but as we grew older. Our hearts became hard as a stone, as genius like the kings or even as selfish like the crocs living in deep forest in Africa. But, how does our heart's grew as self centered and unkind to less fortunate people. Primarily, people oftentimes forgets their past, they forget their roots. They are too proud on what position they have.Seldom, denial strikes that he is fulfilled and happy with material things, fame, power around him.But, Does he really felt happiness within? Can he/she really laughs sincerely? or is he keeping all the tears in the middle of the night. No one can recognized your sadness especially if you demand rules, if you are in command who gives orders, if you are stress-out implementing regulations in a big organization, if you supervised members in a committee and you take all the responsibility to overcharge and dictate to all your subordinates. You have in your hand to do whatever it takes to manipulate and let people follow your command. But, have you listen to your heart lately. Do you feel that there is something incomplete in your life? That you are longing to have and do something creative and relaxing. Can you recognized that you need to stop working and really start living? Does your memories in childhood years lingers within your soul? If you answered, yes. Probably, you can start filling each day with a smile.Learn to be a child again. Appreciate simple things that comes your way. Be thankful on each abundant blessings, a mentor shares. Have a Child Like-Joy that overwhelms your soul, that gives warmth in your mind, that relaxes your body and soul. Do things without thinking intellectually that makes you happy and complete. Make each day as it was your last. Value the things that gives you pleasure. Be compassionate and be loving to people whom you care a lot. Remember to express how much she/he is important in your life. You can start it now. Be a Child within, it's the only way to open the gate in heaven, be Innocent and feel the love of people around you. Be humble and enjoy the wonderful creations, God made for us. Listen to your heart beats, feel the wave of the sea, look at the blue sky above, smell the flowers everyday, smile whenever you feel like doing it. Fill your heart with joy, even you grew older, you will be wiser because you have a heart of a child. You will always feel beautiful and young all the time and all your life. That's the way it should be and God wants it to be.