November 10, 2008

A Pound for Goodness

If a person was forced or pulled into a post, would you remain constant, controlled or follow the power it holds you. Will you try to exchange your trysting place into a busy day. If your determine to say yes,will you able to sacrifice for others to be in good shape, where they need your help? Would you comply and bent the rules? Or just simply sent a request to your supervisor because your just doing the right thing, ahead of their knowledge with your sincere respect. Yesterday,It's a great blessing. I have decided to be posted in another terminal due to lack of people on that said day. Its a good decision, aside, my stomach was so full of numerous drinks, kuwaiti food and pancit for dinner. I'm blessed because all of those things are free. Our Doctors and Assistant are so generous, kind and thoughtful. Surely, they knew how to handle their subordinates. I'm very thankful for them. Happiness filled my hearts, I have ample time to catch up things with my fellow colleague and a good friend of mine. We share ideas and opinions towards certain incidents that occur. One factor, that shows her real attitude is towards money. She had a bigger view in terms of earning her hard cash. She wants all to be accounted.I believe she value her earned salary for working dedicatedly.However, I'm proud of her. She only wants the money that we all shared must be used accordingly.
The day was great, there are laughters and giggles. Loud voices and simple cute quarrels are heard. I'm so blessed, I have help someone. I don't know, but, helping other people comes to me so naturally. It feels so light upon rendering service. You can't explain the happiness and fulfillment. I guess, a little pound wouldn't hurt as an exchange of goodness. It's a heart whelming episode upon receiving simple gift from up above and he knows how sincere my intentions are. But, I'm not asking for any reward. A simple thank you and a smile of a child brighten up my day. Everything ends with light joy. I wanted to have a wonderful duty and indeed comes true. To serve others, to extend good things to them without expecting any reward in return. But, angelically, gifts poured from heaven.