November 15, 2008

Men are scared of commitments!

Nowadays, its difficult to find someone who can truly accept who you are! Who accept your weaknesses, who understand the real you and the things that you love doing almost every day. It's sad to say, that most men are looking for someone to play around. They mingle to women who are not so serious at all. Men are usually afraid of having a commitment. I believe that they are simply afraid of the responsibility their going to undergo. Women looks for someone who can truly love them, who listens to all their stories, to accompany them whenever they go out, to share some interesting new fad, who can treat them right decently and faithfully. Whom they can be comfortably staying all night listening to a favorite tune. But, men are opposite, they watched and observed our body language. They knew our signs. They knew if we like them, then, their fangs are marked within our skins.They can easily attached their venom so the poison runs into our circulation. Until, they are hooked up and we are too. However,we need to remember that we need to be careful. Sometimes, we need to value and learn to be more appreciative and be more observant of their actions. Sometimes, women should listen to their voices and watched for every move they make. Maybe, someday, if they met the right one for them. They can easily give their hearts. They're full attention and they are willing to sacrifice just to win a woman's love for eternally. It could happen, if you believe, it will happen. True love could exist in a Man's Heart and fears will be blown away. A Conversation goes like this: "you should just walk it on your mind to get to know how you make all these things happen before you can even understand-he says:
Then, I replied:
its your decision to make it happen
it starts in the mind,,then in the heart.....
Commitment comes naturally in one's heart, like sacrifices comes unknowingly. It delivers you to a completely different world filled with joy and everlasting true love. Men could learn to love, if the stone of hearts fall on their head so hard.