October 16, 2008

I'm not hired but I gain Friends

What are they looking for? Are they looking for a star quality appearance. A voice of Drew Barrymore, an accent of Hugh Grant. A face of Mandy Moore. Yesterday, I was so dissapointed but happy as well. I only have 2 minutes and the exam will start at 10am. Luckily, I had taken the exam. I was successful, I passed the first one, then into 15 persons we are left with 6. I'm included with that group. A second exam came. The funny thing is, its 20 minutes with 80 questions. I can't figure out, how fast are their clock, it feels like its not 20 min. I have not answered the second page. Then, the girl gets out and get all our papers. Then, there is a radio for our 3rd exam. Then, we listen to a conversation and a multiple choice exam are taken. After, a few minutes,they called one guy. Then, all person whose left in their chair are the one's who does not qualified. The HR told us that we can apply for 3 months again. I can't believe that I failed. I hate to say but with that fast clock they have I should have passed. Well, better next time and next company, I may say. That's what I did, with a new friend beside me. Dra. Mes, we went in another company. But, sadly. The HR girl, has the ability and charm to make believe that you can be really hired on their company. She has the ability for you to hope, the way her actions does, her twinkling eyes, her smile and the way she communicate. The way she pronounces each words coming out from her mouth tells us that we can be qualified. But, in the end, our hopes failed.She want us to be honest and personal. But, to sum it up. She is choosy , she is finding something, she is looking for someone quite the same with her. Someone whom she believe who has the star quality factor for being a Call Center Agent. Can't u believe, we are 4 Medical Allied and one Engr. She doesn't hired us all. We had spoken courteously and intelligently. But, we failed. Then, we went to another company. We wished that the interviewer will be nice, but sadly she is starving and with bad luck the one who interviewed me on the phone. Is the girl who interviewed us. That's the moment I feel that I'm not belong. Maybe, there's a right job for me , waiting. Something that I could be useful. A job worth with my commitment and passion. I failed all the Interviews but I gain new friends, perhaps, a new girlfriend for my brother. I thank God for the experience. To be good at my craft, to be blessed on what I have, to learn to wait for the right job created on my skills. I still created a positive attitude towards a new understanding of what things I can't have or things that I can achieved.