September 21, 2008

Little Voices (Part3)

The most dreadful thing, I noticed. After, they used it, all the sacrifices, the hard work, and the undying sleepless night. You won’t be able to ask why, that as quickly as it disappears in front of you, as one dictator commanded it.
Some are too narrow in thinking, the only things that wanted to be heard is the exact answer with the same questions coming from out their mouth, chances ate they only want to hear , what they want to listen. They want people to talked, but, they want to hear their own voice echoing. They act as they say, they held appointments. Meetings and committee’s, but, reactions are not coming from them. Each direction are reprimanded and followed by fear not by will. Some has bigger ideas for future security, but the welfare
Of people involved are not well-defined. They set certain boundaries and schematic diagrams to enrich potentials in giving profit, but, both ends still questionable and unknown, that make a great escape, a great kind of event that makes the little ones lost, confused and cheated. Whenever a person asked me, why do people climb on a top of a mountain? I just answered them two statements. It’s an opportunity to climb and share the wondrous creations I have seen in m eyes, that a man could ever imagined or a chance to be one’s thorn, to throw rocks on people below to self-gain, self-security, self-fame, self-idolatry for other’s to follow and be slave for rudeness, selfishness, pride and ego. I was once in a group of team, where the shells sparkles like a diamond, but, I was wrong, it’s black as a coal. Some don’t have insights, their blinded with camaraderie made b extravagant gatherings and overwhelming praises. Some forget to hear their ears are entangled by fear, pride, self-centered and self security of the status, they intend to have. The pressure of choosing one’s integrity is overlooked by silent actions.
Some are traitors, judge mentalist, publicist, storytellers who had their own set of stories to unfold, one lines of music and lyrics to play without discovering the old strings, the real lines of the song. They do want they want, they change and replace the words and scattered them to the guitar strings. They set some new rules, but, unity and respect are not gained. Leadership is meant but safeguarding oneself and transferring responsibility are not ideal for a society. Good people, the dedicated one who has sincere, concerns are burned. Are kept and sealed in an open basket, Target arrows are tracking their paths; each detailed sequences are marked down and traced b an enemy unknown. Preparing to have a good kill and strike the good one’s upon each tunnel it passed.
Each survivor learn the strategy , a technique of reality that anyone could be instantly be naïve, or a consistent high rank vulture with a keen sense of eyeing for a prey, hunting each possible bait.